Case Study


HUM Consulting

  • ★ Illustrator
  • ★ Foundation
  • ★ Processwire

  • ★ Front end build
  • ★ Back end build

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FMD Financial

FMD is a team of professional financial advisers who are helping time-poor executives, business owners and successful families achieve their goals and live their best life with the benefit of affordable, professional financial advice.

Apart from providing valuable information about the company, the main focus of FMD's website is to help potential clients find a matching adviser through an interactive form accessible on all pages.

This design being provided by the client, my task was to build out the interactive and responsive front-end, and also help with the Processwire back-end, which is always a great pleasure to do.

Design outline


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										Get the financial advice<br/> you need to live the life you want.
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							<h2>You've enjoyed success, but it's what you do next that matters.</h2>
							<p>Financial freedom is in reach if you start planning now, but that can be tough when you're busy with work and life. 
								You may not know where to find a good adviser, what to expect from the process, or how to get started. You're not 
								alone, so we're pleased you found us.</p>
							<p>For 15 years we've helped time-poor executives, business owners and successful families achieve their goals and 
								live their best life with the benefit of affordable, professional financial advice. But don't take our word for 
								it, see what our clients say.</p>
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																<img src='images/assets/jennylee.jpg' alt='Jenny Lee'/>
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																<h5>Jenny Lee</h5>
																<div class='rating'>
															<div class='quote-content-text'>
																<p>My introduction to FMD 10 years ago facilitated an unexpected life change - to my 
																	delight, retirement was a possibility far earlier than expected. The strong relationship 
																	built to support my wealth management has given me peace of mind, removed work stress 
																	from the equation and contributed greatly to my happiness. I love my life and truly 
																	enjoy every day - I don't know how I ever had time for work!</p>
																<time datetime='2017-07-01'>Jul 2017</time>
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																	<img src='images/assets/profile_craig-williams_170.jpg' alt='Craig Williams'/>
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																<div class='quote-author-text'>
																	Craig Williams
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																<img src='images/assets/danielw.jpg' alt='Daniel Witherington'/>
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																<h5>Daniel Witherington</h5>
																<div class='rating'>
															<div class='quote-content-text'>
																<p>I have been working with FMD Financial for the past five years. They are a professional 
																	and knowledgeable and they've helped me make the most of my money. Lauren Abela is my 
																	trusted financial adviser and has been able to help me develop a portfolio of investments 
																	that supports the needs of my growing family and my future wealth.</p>
																<time datetime='2017-07-01'>Jul 2017</time>
													<div class='small-12 medium-4 columns'>
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															<div class='small-6 medium-12 columns'>
																<figure class='quote-author-image'>
																	<img src='images/assets/profile_lauren-abela_170.jpg' alt='Lauren Abela'/>
															<div class='small-6 medium-12 columns'>
																<div class='quote-author-text'>
																	Lauren Abela
																	<i>Financial Adviser</i>
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																<img src='images/assets/deej.jpg' alt='Dee James'/>
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																<h5>Dee James</h5>
																<div class='rating'>
															<div class='quote-content-text'>
																<p>Jason Calleja was a source of great comfort as he provided us with all the information 
																	we needed to ensure a smooth transition for Dee's mum. He explained the legislation, 
																	prepared financial spreadsheets with projected multi-year income and costs, arranged 
																	tours of aged care facilities; liaised with Centrelink. Jason continues to be responsive 
																	to our ad hoc questions. </p>
																<time datetime='2017-11-15'>Nov 2017</time>
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																	<img src='images/assets/profile_jason-calleja_170.jpg' alt='Jason Calleja'/>
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																<div class='quote-author-text'>
																	Jason Calleja
																	<i>Financial Adviser</i>
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							<h2>Achieve your financial goals faster with expert advice.</h2>
							<p>Our clients are hard-working professionals with serious careers, big passions and busy lives. They don't have the 
								time or interest to watch every market move or keep track of every change in superannuation, tax or investment 
								legislation. Instead, they trust us to build a sustainable financial plan and grow their wealth as life changes.</p>
							<p>Whether you need to plan for retirement, set-up a Self-Managed Super Fund, protect your income, build a 
								high-performing investment portfolio or manage the impacts of an inheritance, divorce or redundancy; our six 
								pillars of advice will ensure every base is covered.</p>
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											<h6>Goal Setting</h6>
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												<img src='images/icon2.svg' alt='Income & Budgeting'/>
											<h6>Income &amp; Budgeting</h6>
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												<img src='images/icon3.svg' alt='Assets & Debt'/>
											<h6>Assets &amp; Debt</h6>
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										<div class='advice-pillar wow fadeIn' data-wow-delay='0.6s'>
												<img src='images/icon4.svg' alt='Superannuation'/>
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												<img src='images/icon6.svg' alt='Your Financial Legacy'/>
											<h6>Your Financial Legacy</h6>
							<p><a href='#' class='button-gradient-hollow'>Learn about our six pillars of advice</a></p>
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							<h2>Our clients trust us to get them where they want to go.</h2>
							<p>Our advisers are true professionals qualified in financial planning. They're also footy fans, parents, foodies and 
								explorers. They're serious about your money, but know your life is more important.</p>
							<p>Our founding directors mentor the next generation to deliver full and frank, client-centred advice with integrity 
								and excellence. With an average tenure of 10 years among our team, you'll be choosing an adviser who'll be there 
								throughout your career and into retirement.</p>
							<p class='mt-25'><a href='#' class='button-gradient-hollow light'>Meet an adviser</a></p>
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							<h2>Take the next step on the road to health, wealth and happiness today.</h2>
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											<h5>Congratulations on taking the next step on your financial journey.</h5>
											<p>We're looking forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your financial goals.</p>
											<p>We'll be in touch to confirm your meeting <strong class='chosen-adviser'>your adviser</strong> soon.</p>
							<p class='form-processor text-center'><i class='fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-3x fa-fw mt-50'></i></p>
							<form id='find-an-adviser-form' class='find-an-adviser-form' method='post'>
								<fieldset class='choose-areas' tabindex='-1'>
									<h4 class='fieldset-legend'>1. What would you like to discuss most?</h4>
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												<span class='title'>Retirement plans</span>
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												<span class='title'>Aged Care</span>
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												<span class='title'>Financial Planning</span>
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									<h4 class='fieldset-legend'>2. Choose your nearest FMD office</h4>
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												<span class='button-gradient-hollow expanded'>Melbourne</span>
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												<!-- <input id='faform_nearest_office_brisbane' name='faform_nearest_office_brisbane' type='checkbox'/> -->
												<input name='faform_nearest_office' value='brisbane' data-label='Brisbane' type='radio'/>
												<span class='button-gradient-hollow expanded'>Brisbane</span>
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												<span class='button-gradient-hollow expanded'>Adelaide</span>
								<fieldset class='choose-adviser' tabindex='-1'>
									<h4 class='fieldset-legend'>3. Let's find you the right adviser</h4>
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											<a data-target='#adviser-list-wrap' class='btn-choose-adviser button-gradient-hollow button-search medium-expanded'>Choose your adviser</a>
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											<a data-target='#adviser-list-wrap' class='btn-recommend-adviser button-gradient-hollow medium-expanded'>Let us recommend an adviser</a>
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									<h4 class='fieldset-legend'>4. Let us know a few more details and we'll be in touch to arrange a meeting soon.</h4>
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											<p class='mb-5'><a data-open='modal-faq' class='text-underline'>Not ready to meet with an adviser yet?</a></p>
											<p class='mb-5'><a data-open='modal-video' class='text-underline'>What to expect from a first appointment.</a></p>
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		/* ==> FAQ List */
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					margin: 30px 0;
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		/* ==> Video Modal */
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				display: block;
				width: 100%;
		/* ==> FAQ Items */
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			display: block;
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					font-weight: 700;
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						top: 50%;
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						width: 37px;
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Krisztina is the Ultimate Professional. She educates you if you are ignorant on website building and has plenty of examples to show you. She also has some fantastic ideas which is very rare with a lot of people. She is creative and very efficient. I would definitely choose her again.

Theo P.

I got so much more than I paid for when working with Krisztina! I thought I had a very simple need, and it probably was simple for her, but I had so many questions, and we went back and forth a lot, but she always maintained a cheerful attitude, even when I asked her to try a few different designs. It was a pleasure to work with her, and I would do it again.

Bryna Kranzler

The quality of work I have received from Krisztina is fantastic! I have worked with over 20 coders in these past years, and have now found the perfect one. Krisztina has perfect code, is on time, keeps you updated, and is willing to go over and above. I have had her do 3 projects for me so far, and many more to come. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, I look forward to working with you in the future.

Grant McNaughton

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Krisztina is really friendly, professional and goes beyond what is necessary to ensure the job is done perfectly. I would recommend her to anyone and hope to work with her again in future.

Daniel Keel

Amazing work completed before the dealine. The email looked stunning and was EXACTLY the type of design I imaged in my head. Communication was second to none and will absolutely use again.

Phil Wannell

I cannot speak highly enough of Krisztina. If you’re ever going to use anyone for CSS, HTML or Jquery (or all three) then this is the person. Perfect work, perfect communication a complete pleasure to deal with!
